A Morning Gossip in the Coffee Room of the Old Cock Tavern

Men gossiping in a tavern.

Image taken from page 227 of ‘Old London Taverns. Historical, descriptive and reminiscent. With some account of the coffee houses, clubs, etc’
Title: “Old London Taverns. Historical, descriptive and reminiscent. With some account of the coffee houses, clubs, etc”
Author: CALLOW, Edward – Writer on the Isle of Man
Shelfmark: “British Library HMNTS 010349.f.17.”
Page: 227
Place of Publishing: London
Date of Publishing: 1899
Publisher: Downey & Co.
Issuance: monographic
Identifier: 000575251
Downloaded from the British Library’s collections on Flickr Commons
Image taken from page 227 of 'Old London Taverns. Historical, descriptive and reminiscent. With some account of the coffee houses, clubs, etc'